Registration: The English program has become our main source of attraction since it provides a standard level English curriculum. The course attracts both the elderly and the young. As the previous badge approaches its finishing date, the registrar’s office on a daily basis receives prospective applicants as the date slated for the beginning of the upcoming batch draws closer. The potential list of students include both Madrasa and non Madrasa students who have identified the need to improve their English Language proficiency. The office works tirelessly in interviewing, filling of forms, explaining the process of registration, etc to the students to facilitate their easy fitting into the course.

Orientation: On the 10th of September an orientation was organized for the prospective students who have not made payments but have shown interest as a means of motivating them to pay in order to benefit from the program. During this event Mr. Faal welcomed and also thanked them for answering to the call. Some demonstrations were done to show them the program outline of the course and how it is delivered, the expectation during and after from both TAs and students etc. At the end of the session questions were answered which came from the floor and this helped a lot in clearing any misunderstandings the students had.

The Gambia College Training: On the 11th of September, The IEC department, in partnership with Gambia College concluded a 10 day training program for the Madarasah administrators. The training was done with reference to the MOU signed seven month ago between the two institutions. Madam Ndow, the Head of Gambia College School of Education thanked IOU for the service they offered during the training.